For many centuries, honey has been regarded as a wonderful gift of nature to man, in which the characterstics of an excellent food are combined with medicinal properties. Honey is a harmless combination 

of the fragrance and sweetness of the folwers . As a sweetner, it is far superior to cane sugar and taken easily into the blood . It is an ideal food for the heart and liver.

Honey contain a variety of chemical important for a healthy life. The invert sugar provides energy readily and minerals act as a power enzymes and supplement body growth , health and freshness. The organic acids in it inhibit the growth of bacteria and thus act as a valuble healing agent. Honey has a favourable effect on the heart and circulation of blood and is helpful in the relief of various other ailments. Honey not only helps to eliminate poisions from body fluids, but it is also excellent remedy against many stomach and itestinal diseases.

What is Raw Honey

honey is a thick , sweet syrup made by honeybees. as you know in the honey are found healthy compuonds. but this compound are only raw honey not processed honey. Pure raw honey is honey that is unheated, unpasteurized and unprocessed. This comes straight from the hives and is therefore is the most unprocessed form of honey. Raw honey is unheated honey that has been removed from the comb.

If we are describe the raw honey in best word exit of beehives the raw honey and remove the impurities like beeswax and dead bees by food grained clothes and then raw honey is bottled and we can enjoy of raw honey.


How to prepare Pure Raw Honey

As I told you that it is made by the ancient method of the beekeeping process. Before this, we have to search for the good environment for honeybee like more floral area and green environment, it can be a forest, it can be farm that easy life to honeybee for serving food and collect nectar from flowers easily and return to beehives at the farm , then honeybee made honey in beehive from collected or stored nectar. then pure honey raw stored in beehives.


Honey Extraction

Honey extracted mechanically is well strained and free from wax and other impurities from combs. Honey in a natural state is a clear product and can be conserved in seal jars stored in a dark, cool and dry place.

In the past, the methods of extracting honey were generally crude and unhygienic, involving hard extraction and crushing comb in dirty cloth. this made the honey not only unfit for storage but also spoiled the test and fragrance of ripe honey.

Pure honey is available either as:

Extracted honey or honey that is centrifugal extracted with a rotary machine.

Fresh and fully ripe honey is highly ingredients, heavy, sweet, and fragrant. honey is a natural remedy for vitality, and strength and helps to cure coughs. it provides a natural satisfaction to the consumer. old honey is good for obesity, constipation and to remove phlegm.

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