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Our Story

The Story Behind JeetOrganic Farm

Hello friends, today I will share my life story with you. This story is of a normal village boy, ‘Manjeet Sheoran’, who is now the owner of this “Jeet Organic Farm“.


Life Story of Jeet Organic Farm, i.e. my early life

I live in a small village, SORKHI, DISTT HISAR, HARYANA. My life was not special at all in the beginning. I was leading a normal life like everyone else. My dream was to become a very big sports player, and show people something big.

But you must know that most of the people of India are not able to fulfill their dreams. The biggest reason for this is that they do not have the money to fulfill their dreams. My story is also similar. My family could not afford the huge expenditure for my dream of becoming a sports player.

After this, I left my dream behind, and I completed my graduation (Political and Physical Science). Now my only dream is to get a good government job. And I will help in the financial condition of my family.

When I was 20 years old, I got a job in ‘Avation Sector’. After this job I got great respect in my society. After getting the job, I started living a normal life. I didn’t have any goals at that time. I was just passing the time in my life.



Turning Point In My Life

But after a few years I got to see the video of “Sandeep Mahaswari“. After that I got a wonderful motivation, which was quite wonderful. I got to learn a lot from Sandeep’s videos like Life Lesson, Business Mind, Relationship and Health etc.

I also got some good friends as inspiration, like ‘Gaurav Rahar’. Gaurav is a very good friend who inspired me to start a business.

I saw that there is a lot of demand for honey in India, because honey has many economic benefits. For this, I saw a video of Honey Adulteration on YouTube, and then I did a lot of research on it. I saw and understood that a lot of fraud is happening in India in the form of Honey Business. Today, big companies of honey adulteration are selling syrup instead of honey.


Start of JeetOrganic Farm

After that, I thought that I should start the business of pure honey, because most people eat honey to make their health good. This honey is used from child to old age. Everyone in my family also eats honey. That’s why I started “JeetOrganic Farm“.

In the honey business, many beekeepers make pure honey, but companies mix different types of syrups in these honeys. And harm our health.

Now, my family and I have decided that we will produce pure honey ourselves. And we will bring this Organic Honey to the people online. My entire family and friends are with me in this business, and I hope that you will also cooperate in this purity business.

We make absolutely pure honey, in which no adulteration and no syrup have been used. Our honey is non-pasteurized type. My family and I are working together to bring Organic Honey directly to your doorstep.

We all know that nowadays everything is getting adulterated, and our organic products are disappearing. In such a situation, our health is in great danger. That’s why we are selling organic honey, so that you can still get some healthy things today.



Mine and my family’s mission

Now our mission is to sell organic honey across India. If seen, if our body is healthy, then everything is fine. There is also a saying, which I would like to share with you-

  • First happiness – healthy body (पहला सुख- निरोगी काया)
  • Second happiness – son shadow (दुसरा सुख – पुत्र छाया)
  • Third happiness – money illusion (तीसरा सुख – धन माया)

Health is the greatest happiness of the whole world, which very few people have in today’s time. That’s why you should use pure things, which are at least in your hands, like- Jeetorganic Honey.


Jeet Organic Success life

At present, many people understand our work. That’s why today, many people are associated with Jeetorganic Farms. All our customers are connected because of pure organic honey. Today, many people are promoting our products, and are also giving their blessings. Now my respect in my society has doubled.

I want to tell you one more thing, that now I am enjoying a lot in this business. By doing this work, we can protect your health. At present, the life age is continuously decreasing. So as humanity we have to join together.

I have taken a step forward by starting ‘Jeet Organic’, now you have to take this business further. And support our mission, so that we can reach pure honey across India.


Online Order For Pure Organic Honey

Till now, we have told you that our product is completely pure and full of quality. You can easily order our organic honey product online. Jeet Organic has been giving the best products till date, and will continue to give the best products in future too.

Every order of Jeet Organic Farm is dispatched under my supervision. Therefore, you can be absolutely satisfied that you will get the product of pure honey only. The product will be delivered to you via courier in a few days.

My whole family is standing with me in this whole work. And many friends are also helping me in running an online business.


Last words, but not the last words of success

This is not my last word, as I am running organic businesses, which are needed by all the peoples at present. Everyone wants to eat organic and pure things. We are selling pure things, so people’s faith in Jeetorganic is increasing day by day.

Note that this is not the end of my beginning, it is just the beginning. I have shared some moments of my early life with you. Very soon, I will present to you my success story. And I hope that you will have full support in my success story.

To support Jeetorganic, buy and promote our product further. Because promoting the right things is very important.

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